Sunday, August 31, 2014

Vacation 2014: Relaxing in Idaho: Day 9

This post is more pictures than doing. Because we didn’t do much today. Mostly talked about what we were going to do today. First I decided to walk up to the top of the knoll above the house and take a couple of pictures. 

Finally we went up to a work site to help Gregory’s dad, Ron, clean up and collect his tools. The view from the top of the mountain above Pollock was beautiful and a storm was starting to form.

The work site was an addition that Ron put on a house he had built 10 years ago (designed and built!). The new work was a garage and apartment above, completely separate from the rest of the house. This was a log home and any attempt to describe it would be useless. It was just like what you see in the magazines. Beautiful rock work accents, which seamlessly became a huge fireplace. A loft workspace above a fully furnished kitchen, high ceilings and everything that mixed modern comfort and convenience with rustic log home living. I was afraid I would leave claw marks in the stone when they tried to drag me away.

I could get used to having a front porch like this.

Then they told me what it was like up here in the winter. Ummm, maybe a summer home instead? I could make that work.

We returned back to the house and basically spent the afternoon listening to the rain and sipping hot cocoa. Idaho in the rain is a magical place. Tomorrow we will have a proper adventure.

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